A forward thinking, women-led political action committee

Election-changing investments in candidates who transform communities

We create groups of everyday womxn — teachers, students, moms, lawyers, healthcare workers — who pool their resources together to invest in candidates running for state and local offices.

With an overall focus on “purple” areas across the country, our investments help bolster progressive power where it’s needed most. The state and local candidates we invest in today become the national candidates of tomorrow, fighting for a better future for us all.

"The whole is greater than the sum of its parts." -Aristotle

"The whole is greater than the sum of its parts." -Aristotle

Real people. Real results.

Our story

Greater Than’s roots go back to 2016. That year spurred many progressive women to action with history-making results in 2018. But, when the champagne toasts ended, many of us felt confused about our direct impact.

We created Greater Than as a community for coherence in political giving so that we could have greater collective impact and, at the same time, fully understand what our contributions produce. Greater Than is a group of progressive womxn who coalesce each month in a “book club with teeth” where we develop a strategy to make meaningful, modest investments to ensure a progressive future.